

Four-Markets Passive-Game(Chance) of NAV(100) is 579-491-143-194.Transform your risk-rewards with AI-engines. NIFC1 example Market 579,Strategy 1155.Alpha makes 1370 from same-strategy 1155. Learning spins 3481 from same-set(Market-Strategy-Alpha)




Decision-supports help generate & cry out competing & compelling domain-choices; use-as circuit breakers for existing choices or green shoots for potential choices. This exactly no-more and no-less is the role & utility of decision-supports.


Management Affirmation


Chance does-not shape our risk-reward. Ways we engage with chance-does!. AI provides institutional ability to generate better domain-choices. Management Imperative is to make available those choices-on-chances before every decision-event.

Bid /Ask

Odds – Annual Returns

GOI10Y 25/75 Odds Market +0/13, Strategy 7/12
Strategy odds are better than market odds.





Learn-to-Learn. Know which learning works now & which one has expired. Get a head-start using Strategy, Alpha and Learning engines to create your man x machine multiplier and MTM Your ideas with Results.




Up-tier your decision-science for Trading, Hedging, Portfolio actions. Set risk-taking benchmarks for each. Would you now benchmark brown-line or any-better for self-assessment.

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